July 27, 2024

Industrial Adhesives

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CSY 100 SM : Paper Label's Adhesive for Glass Botttles Submitted To Cold & Wet Storage

Very high water resistance - very high speed labeling machines - wet application

  • Base:casein based + additive to improve consumption rate
  • Color: slightly yellowish

Product Number: ADH-3-8

CSY 99 SM : Paper Label's Adhesive For Glass Botttles Submitted to Cold & Wet Storage

High water resistance - high & low speed labeling machines - wet application

  • Base:casein based + additives to improve consumption rate
  • Color: slightly yellowish

Product Number: ADH-3-2-2

CSY 58 : Paper Label's for Glass Bottles Submitted to Cold & Wet Storage

High water resistance - high & moderate speed labeling machines - wet application

  • Base: casein based
  • Color: slightly yellowish

Product Number: ADH-3-3

CST 40: Paper Label Adhesive on Glass Bottles Submitted to Cold Storage

Water Resistance - high & low speed labeling machines - dry application

  • Base: starch ethers
  • Color: slightly yellowish

Product Number: ADH-3-1

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